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Liam was born in 1990 in Bucharest Romania 4 months after the revolution that saw Ceaucescu collapse. This starting point has had a major influence on Liams life. He moved to England in 1991 as an Irish citizen and by the age of 8 was playing clarinet. At the age of 13 Liam began to feel that there was more out there than just classical music and jazz. Liams father Rio was always a great advocate of jazz and Irish music and his mother Karen was very active in allowing him to experience live music at any cost.

The whistle, guitar, bodhran, didgeridoo, huluxiao, six-hole aerophones of any kind in fact are among Liams favoured weapons of choice and he makes a strong point that "every musician should expect his hands to give up after a while and his eyes to slowly become blind in old age, therefore one must be able to play music with no hands and no eyes, using only ears and voice".

Liam has been a member of the London Gypsy Orchestra for three years is also a member of 'Gazhikane Muzikante' and plays with Abi Hardimans ensemble as well as being an accomplished stilt-walking musician. He gives workshops on the development of music in its many forms, questioning the history books at every opportunity and also leads instrument-making workshops.

Liam is an Ethnomusicology graduate, an accomplished writer and an eloquent speaker, his solo gigs are drenched with glistening facts about the music he is playing. A politically minded man he is currently writing a childrens book about Lucifers battle with God (entitled 'Woman of the Earth') and a book on learning music by ear (entitled 'Why are you Listening with your eyes?')

Keep an eye on this man!

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